Das Sofa fliegt nach Indi-en
Themen Potpourri
- Ausstellung im Naturmuseum Südtirol: Das Amtshaus des Kaisers
- Joint Research
- The Bolzano/Bozen declarations on the protection of minorities in the enlarged european union. [PDF]
- The Tallinn Guidelines on National Minorities and the Media in the Digital Age
- Der Overview Effekt
- SpaceX Dragon Capsule
Change your password day
- xkcd comic
- computerphile: Password cracking
Paper(s) der Woche
- Participatory consociationalism? No, but South Tyrol’s Autonomy Convention is evidence that power-sharing can transform conflicts
- Why Should Women Get Less? Evidence on the Gender Pay Gap from Multifactorial Survey Experiments
Mara auf Twitter: @mmantinger
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